Started the month -11.6k , largely due to being -7k of buying action, recovered so im super happy about that, here it goes:
Graph THROUGH 23rd of Oct (when I came to Europe and my laptop didn't have HEM):
Final Stats for the month:
Profit before rakeback: $5,543
Profit from Rakeback: $3,721.10
Total Profit: $9,264.10
EV would have put me at $15,715.55 for the month, but I can't complain, def. gonna top it next month.
Exactly 1 year ago I was scammed for all my $$$ basically and then I recovered with a 35k November, I grinded a TON that month and this month i'll be in Europe traveling, so I doubt i'll be able to repeat, but my goals are:
[ ] 15k month (rakeback incl.)
[ ] Enjoy Budapest / europe w/wife
[ ] buy foosball table / TV / surround sound for house
[ ] Have everything at my house setup so I can move right when I get back
[ ] CRUSH the belgium team HU tourney w/spamz and mjw006 :)
gl next month bro! also add me to ur links ;)
[ ] foolsball table
[x] pingpong table
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