Sunday, June 1, 2008

Monthly recap

So first off, sorry for my lack of posts lately, since the 15th i've been moving constantly, I flew back to New Hampshire, went to UNH to visit some friends, took a trip to turningstone... -1k, then flew to vegas which has been pretty sweet so far, I love it here. I spent the first week here with my family and more or less completely off of poker, although I am like -1.5k at table games lol, but thats just running bad at blackjack I swear ;). My family (Brother, dad, and brother's wife) flew home on Wednesday and since then I have been living with cwar, which has been great. Put in alot of grind-time, got discuss hands and some general theory, and his roomates are great so it's just been alot of fun.

As I had mentioned a bunch in my earlier posts this month, I started off with a -1.7k downswing in the first few days and even though I didnt end quite where I wanted for the month, there were at least 6-10 days where I didnt play at all this month, and I pulled out of my downswing nicely imo. I also shipped a +1.5k day today but I lost about 400 between HU cash and HU Razz, but it was my biggest day this month so im happy with it. Also cashed out 1k today to build my live roll a bit.

Monthly graph here:

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Graph was off $3786 this month, so although the graph is a bit deceiving i'm actually +$3193 this month, and I cleared a $1500 bonus earlier on. Anyways after playing more with croix and really getting to know his style more and talking to him on some of the finer points of the plays we are both seeing and making on a regular basis, paired with being able to discuss with cwar lately, im feeling muchhhh more confident with my game and really feel like June can be an awsome month.

On other news Caleb (my roomate for June and old friend from UNH) flew in tonight so I picked him up at midnight, walked the strip for a bit and checked out the casinos and then headed back. Got to cwars around 2am and decided to go to a local casino here with them lol, I pwnedddddddd $5 craps rolls and rolled for like 20 minutes straight without 'crapping out', it was so nasty and fun, +$123 lol. So im back now and it's 5am and I figure I should prolly go to bed and keep on a good schedule, but my goals for June and July still stand at 7k, but I feel like if I keep on top of things and continue to work on my game I can easily definently exceed those.

Good luck with your upcoming months, I hope May was good for everyone, in Poker, and life,
